International Health, Safety, & Security

International Travel

UMBC’s International Travel Policy

In addition to following UMBC’s general travel policy and procedures, all University travelers participating in University-related international travel are required to adhere to UMBC’s Policy on International Travel.



Travel to High Risk Locations

The University will evaluate the known risks of international travel based on levels established by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Department of State. These Include:

Requests to travel through or to international destinations subject to an elevated risk level will require additional screening by UMBC’s International Travel Review Committee. If the request is approved, then the traveler will receive location-specific guidance for mitigating risks.


Health Matters

Medications: If you routinely take prescription medication, be sure to pack an ample supply for your trip, and discuss with your doctor any adjustments to your medication schedule if you change time zones – both on the way out and on the way home. Be sure to check with the Embassy or Consulate of the country you plan to visit to ensure that your medications are not considered illegal substances under local laws. To avoid questions or delays at customs or immigration, keep medications in their original, labeled containers and have your prescription readily available. Also, know the generic name for your medication as those generic names may be more recognizable at pharmacies abroad.

Travel Clinic: The University of Maryland School of Medicine has a Travel Medicine Practice available to UMBC travelers. This is a not-for-profit service that has fixed fees and minimized charges intended to reduce the burden of travel costs. The practice is conveniently located in downtown Baltimore and offers comprehensive health care, including travel consultations, education, and vaccinations for those planning trips overseas, especially to tropical and subtropical countries and to more temperate countries in Eastern Europe and Asia. In addition, the clinic provides treatment services for diseases and conditions contracted overseas. Visit their website or call for information about services, location, and appointments.

Additional Information

Local Laws: While in a foreign country, you are subject to local laws and the local justice system. If you violate local laws, even unknowingly, you may be fined, detained, imprisoned or deported. Your status as a foreign national will not prevent you from being detained, arrested, or prosecuted. Certain activities, such as teaching, scholarship and research, may require additional permits or licensing. Travelers should seek advice from the Embassy or local authorities prior to engaging in such activities.

Visas: Visas are required for travel to many countries based on the traveler’s citizenship, trip purpose and/or duration of stay. The Center for Global Engagement cannot provide advice on visas for individual travelers (unless you are a student on one of our approved study abroad programs). Visa requirements and application procedures may be obtained by contacting the Embassy of the country to which you plan to travel or a reputable visa services provider.

Need Assistance?

If you run into problems while abroad, contact your country’s Embassy or Consulate. Always carry the address and phone number of the Embassy or Consulate with you, in English and the local language. Consular officers may be able to help if you run into problems overseas, especially if you feel you cannot approach local police, or if you need help communicating with local authorities.

Emergencies Abroad: UMBC can be reached 24/7 by calling the UMBC Police Department at +1-410-455-5555. Travelers may also request assistance via the AlertTraveler app, which is integrated with UMBC’s International Travel Registry. The AlertTraveler app is available on the Apple AppStore and Google Play.