Reverse Culture Shock

Welcome back! You studied abroad and now you’re back home at UMBC. Although you just had an amazing experience in another country, you may be feeling some of the effects of reverse culture shock. Reverse culture shock is experiencing a sense of disorientation when returning home from a study abroad program.

Symptoms of reverse culture shock include:

  • Restlessness
  • Boredom
  • Depression
  • Uncertainty
  • Confusion
  • Isolation

Here at UMBC, there are resources that can help you to combat reverse culture shock.

The Academic Success Center offers tutoring and help from the writing center

The Counseling Center offers individual counseling, group counseling, and mental health referrals

A comprehensive list of student organizations can be found here on myUMBC.


Other General Tips
  • Expect some things to be different. Your relationships, your plans for the future, and/or your views of the United States could be impacted from your time abroad.
  • Realize that not everyone will understand the impact of your time abroad. People are genuinely interested in your experience, but you may have a hard time summarizing your time abroad.
  • Learn to reconnect. During your time abroad, you most likely weren’t able to connect to your friends and family face-to-face. When you return, skip texting and casual chats. Spend quality one-on-one time with your loved ones.
  • Embrace your growth! You have challenged yourself by studying abroad. Don’t think of yourself as a different person because you have new thoughts. You’ve just become an even more amazing version of yourself.